Jmessage-wxapplet-sdk Integration Guide
This article shows how to integrate JMessage in an applet. Jmessage-wxapplet-sdk is developed by JMessage specifically for adapting applet applications. Its functionality basically covers all the features provided by the Web SDK .
SDK Download
jmessage-wxapplet-sdk v1.4.0
Update Time
- 2018-01-26
Change Log
- Add group administrator roles
- Add the function to dissolve group and transfer group owner
- Add the function to obtain transparent transmission of messages between devices and logging devices history.
- Add the function to get all public groups under appkey
Upgrade Prompt
- Recommend to upgrade!
Upgrade Guide
- Replace the old version of sdk with the latest jmessage-wxapplet-sdk-1.4.0.min.js Click to download: jmessage-wxapplet-sdk-1.4.0
Project Configuration
Legal domain name of socket:wss://
Legal domain name of uploadFile:
Legal domain name of downloadFile:
Download jmessage-wxapplet-sdk-.js and move to the libs directory
Introduce in app.js:
var JMessage=require('./libs/jmessage-wxapplet-sdk-<version>.js')
Create JMessage object
var jim = new JMessage({
// debug : true
Initialize the connection
"appkey" : "<appkey>",
"random_str": "<random_str>",
"signature" : "<signature>",
"timestamp" : "<timestamp>"
}).onSuccess(function(data) {
}).onFail(function(data) {
All api operations are similar to the Web SDK and can directly refer to the WEB SDK API
Other Instructions
Applet SDK Interface for Video Sending
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
camera: 'back',
success: function (res) {
'target_username' : '<target_username>',
'target_nickname' : '<target_nickname>',
'appkey' : '<appkey>',
'file' : res.tempFilePath
}).onSuccess(function(data,msg) {
}).onFail(function(data) {
Interface for Picture Sending (single chats, group chats and chat rooms) is different from WEB SDK API
count: 1, //
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有
success: function (res) {
var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths[0]; //获取成功,读取文件路径
'target_username' : '<target_username>',
'target_nickname' : '<target_nickname>',
'appkey' : '<appkey>',
'image' : tempFilePaths //设置图片参数
}).onSuccess(function(data,msg) {
}).onFail(function(data) {