Integration Guide of JSMS iOS SDK
SDK Instructions
- Currently SDK supports iOS 7.0 and above.
SDK package includes
The lib folder: Contains the header files JSMSSDK.h, JSMSConstant.h, and the static library file libsms-lib.a. The supported iOS versions are 7.0 and above.
pdf file: Integration Guide
demo folder: Example
Integration Steps
Create an Application
Register as a JPush developer. Create an app on the Jiguang web portal to get APPkey. If you are already a user of Jiguang 's other products and have created an app, you don't need to create it again.
Import Development Package
Extract the SDK package and add the extracted JsmsSDK folder (including the header include, the static library libsms-lib.a, and JSMSSDK.h, JSMSConstant.h, two external interface files in the header directory) to the project directory.
Build Settings
- Increase -ObjC in Project Configuration, Build Settings, Other Linker Flags.
After the 1.2.0 release, sdk fully supports https transport and does not require any additional AppTransportSecurity settings.
Since SDK internal encryption protocol involves KeyChain, if you use Xcode8 and above environment to develop, please open the Capabilities->KeyChain Sharing option of Application Target when the simulator is running and debugging.
Add Initialization Code
+ (void)registerWithAppKey:(NSString * _Nonnull)appkey;
Interface Description
Register the SDK interface: Create an application on the official website, and automatically generate an AppKey to identify the application.
Call Example
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
[JSMSSDK registerWithAppKey:kAppKey];
return YES;
For more interfaces, refer to iOS SDK API documentation.